The Communication and Performance-Based Movement Approach

The Communication-Based Movement Approach
·         The communicative approach lays more emphasis on the function of language
·         Language is a means of communication
·         To communicate through language means to use knowledge and skills by way of authentic listening, speaking, reading, and writing.
·         Grammatical structures and vocabulary items are admitted to be undeniably essential
·         One is considered to be in the state of learning the language until after they can use the language in communication.
·         Making the students become communicatively competent in using language learned according to the social context of use.
·         It’s students-centeredness
·         ‘real life’ is attemped to be brought to classroom
·         Teaching techiniques are commonly employed:games, role play, and other communicative teaching activities.
·         No explicit testing of language components-grammar and vocabulary-is exercised in this approach.
·         The principles of testing adopted in the Communicative Language Testing can be described as the following
·         Task in the test should resembles as far as possible to the ones as would be found in real  life in terms of communicative use of language
·         There is a call for test items contextualization
·         There is a need to make test items that addres an obviously definite audience for a purposeful communicative intent to be envisioned
·         Test instructions and scoring plans should touch on effective communication of meaning rather than on grammatical accuracy
·         Language should be productively drawn off as a resul of the test, rather than merely recognized
·         Advantages:
·         Realistic in terms of formats
·         Communicative language testing widens the concept of language abilities beyond those of grammatical abilities.
·         Disadvantages:
·         Problem of extrapolation (problem of generalizability of  the test results.

The performance-Based Movement Aproach
·         Wider progress than communicative based movement approach.
·         Used varied means to reveal the students’ ability
·         Emerge the joyful learning movement to accelerate the dissemination of the performance based movement testing.
·         One mode of CTL teaching practices

The difference between performance-based movement approach and communicative-based movement approach is in giving meaning of authenticity. Authenticity is one similarity between both. CBMA links authenticity to tasks and language behavior, the reference of which is the future. But PBMA (CTL) links not only to tasks and language behavior (the future) but also contents and learning outcomes with present reference.


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