1.   Validity
A test is considered as valid when it measures what it intends to measure
·         There are different types of validiy
1.    Face validity
Looks as if it measures what it is supposed to measure.
2.    Operational validity
A test will have operational validity if the tasks required by the test are sufficient to evaluate the definite activities or qualities
It has discriminating power, that is: its power to discriminate between the upper and lower groups who took the test. The test should contain different difficulty level of questions
3.    Content validity
If the items in the test constitute a representative sample of the total course content to be tested, the test can be said to have content validity
4.    Construct validity
The test from should fit the aspect to test.
5.    Concurrent validity
Looks as if it measures what it is supposed to measure.
6.    Predictive validity
A test has predictive validity if the scores on it predict future performance

2.   Reliability
§  A test is considered reliable if it is taken again by the same students under the same circumtances and the score average is almost the constant/consistent, taking into consideration that the time between the test and the retest is of a reasonable length.
§  Test scores  said is said to have stable or consistent scores when the test scores demonstrate consistency or stability no matter who administer the test.
§  The scores are also consistent no matter when or where the test is administered.
§  Valid test is also a reliable test, but reliable test may not be valid one.
§  Objectivity of a test can be increased by using more objective type of test items and the answers are scored according to model answers provided. Objectivity

Different method for determining reliability
-      Test-retest method
·         This method  utilized the same test twice to the same test twice to the same group of subjects on different testing occasions.
·         Repitition on the use of the same instrument and the involvement of the same subjects, the different is in the time for test administration.
·         Advantage
·         Only has one set of test to be constructed
·         Disadvantages
·         It is  not known exactly what the best time interval for conducting the second test administration is so as to assure a tolerable change on the test takers’ attributes.
Too short time’history’ (the test taker may still rememberr the contents of the test)
Far too long timemay make test takers’ attribute change that will affect the test takers’ performance on the second administration.
·         Involving the same subject in the test administration twice also is likely to endanger both the mental and physical states of the subjects such as boredom and ailment.

-      Parallel form method
1.    Used two different versions of the same test
2.    Administered to the same group close together in time
3.    It used form A or B and can be given on the same day or the next day
4.    The difference of the two is how they worded or written
5.    It should measure the same skills and errors are significantly controlled
6.    If higher the correlation, the more reliablity.
·         Disadvantages
·         Making tests that are equally similar in all aspects is not an easy task
·         It is not easy to keep the test takers’ mental condition the same when they responded to two sets of tests administered almost at the same time.
-      Internal consistency
·         Split-half  Procedure
·         Equally difficult questions are given in two or more question forms. They are set in two halves. But actually they are the same.
·         Inter - item Estimation
·         Equally difficult parts of questions are given in a question.

3.   Practicality
Practicality of the test depends on:
       Administrative ease. Like the example of bringing elephant to the class. It is not practical at all.
       Scoring ease. Using scoring rubric if it is subjective test or scoring guide if it is one-correct-answer (objective) test.
       Interpretative ease. Test should be written in a clear, correct and simple as possible while still testing skill that is intended to test.

4.   Economy
Time, money and energy efficiency in making the test item, administering the test, scoring procedure of the test


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