Censorship of Television Programs

            Nowadays, censorship is very hot topic among people of all ages. Some of them are for censorship and some are against it. Television is one of mass media, which gives many influences to the people and their lives. Besides, many people think that censorship of television programs is not necessary. However, I believe that television programs should be censored for three reasons.
            The first reason is protecting children from violence scene. Most of television programs are created for children and exactly those will give influence for them. Based on the survey that was done by Christian Science Monitor (CSM) about how much the violence scene at television programs influence children, 56% of 1.209 parents said that it was very influence, 26% influence, 5% not really influence, and 11% not influence. We can see from the result that television programs truly influence children. On the other side, Robert Liebert and Robert Baron said, “watching a violent program or scene made children more willing be aggressors”. I do really agree with their opinion. Besides, several years ago in Indonesia there was a child who killed his friend by imitating smack down scene in cartoon program. It is an example of negative effect that should be prevented. Therefore, television programs that are dangerous especially for children need to be censored.
            The second reason is avoiding people from sexual abuse. Nowadays, most of television programs contain a lot of pornography scene. Continuous viewing of such programs is not good for viewers. Besides, RM Tedjo Baskoro, SH (member of LSI) gave opinion, he said, “everywhere, there are television programs that are often related to pornography scene, and those programs treat every people especially for young generation”. As we know serial movie, advertisement, video clip, even news program at television often talk about sex cases that happen in society. Exactly, those kinds of television programs give negative effects. In Jakarta, there are often sexual abuses that happen such as rapes in public transportation.  It is one example that caused of pornography scene of television programs that uncensored. Indeed, censorship of television programs especially which contain a lot of pornography are needed to avoid those crime happen again.
            The third reason is giving a good moral value. As we know, infotainment and reality show programs are more popular than another program.  Those programs are kind of uneducateded programs. Actually, we do not realize that those programs have given bad effects and poisoned our brain. For example, most teenagers imitate their favorite artists, and then it just makes them become gossiper and talk something useless. Truly, those programs should be censored. On the other side, Seto Mulyadi support censorship of infotainment and reality show programs. He said, “Because television is friendly for children from morning up to night, the negative effects from these programs will easily influence them that we cannot avoid that”. Therefore, to avoid those effects and give a good moral value, censorship is needed for infotainment and realty show programs.
            In short, censorship of television programs is needed to avoid the negative effects. Besides, it can protect children from violence, avoid people from sexual abuse, and give a good moral value. In my opinion, I think censorship of television programs is a good way to prevent of all of kind of bad effects that can happen in around us.


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