Business Letter

Jalan Bunga Dandelion no.25 F
Malang-East Java-Indonesia
Tel. (0341)7674321/08976859347

Our Ref. GI/LTS/SKL/01
Your Ref. KPS/RMS/404

18 February 2013

Mr. Ashok Kumar
Loyal Youth Club

Dear Mr. Kumar
Thank you for your letter of 15 February, informing about donation toward the club’s activities. We are happy to accept your offer about asking for donation. Yet, we are sorry, you did not specify the donation will be used for. As you know that, our policy is that not to give money without a specific purpose, so I suggest you give us your explanation about the donation.
Perhaps you can send me complete information about the donation for, especially for the exact purposes of your money, so we can allocate it with the needs.

Your sincerelly

Fitria Ningsih


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