A Corpus Analysis of J.K Rowling’s Novel Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone, Harry Potter and Chamber of Secrets, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

A Corpus Analysis of J.K Rowling’s Novel
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone, Harry Potter and Chamber of Secrets, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
Discourse Analysis

Eka Resti Wahyuni
Eki Juvita Prima Wahyuni
Evi Purwanti
Fitria Ningsih
Fitri Nurul Hidayati
Isnia Devianti

MAY 2013
Discourse Analysis
Analyzing Harry Potter Literature
(Harry Potter and the Soccer Stone, Harry Potter and Chamber of Secrets,
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban)

Literature product as general has a background within the development. Each of them has their own character that lead the reader knows what the main focus is
v Focus of analysis
In this analysis, we choose Harry Potter’s novels as the object. Harry Potter series have the same theme which is in magical fiction. We will focus on just three novels; those are Harry Potter and the Soccer; Harry Potter and Chamber of Secrets; Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. The diction, of course, has to be referred in order to support the flow of the story. The book uses words which can imagine how the magic is, for example:
“Give it here!” Harry yelled, but Malfoy had leapt onto his broomstick and taken off. He hadn’t been lying, he could fly well. Hovering level with the topmost branches of an oak he called, “Come and get it, Potter!”
Based on the example, we conclude that the book used the word “broomstick” in order to lead the readers catch the theme of the book. The use of broomstick in that context is showing the scene when a boy can fly just with the broomstick. This scene is related with magical things. It categorized as magical things because flying just with the broomstick is unusual to be done by ordinary people. That is the example of one word that we are going to be analyzed in this novel. Moreover, we will compare the frequency and the occurrence of some words that we choose as magical things as well as explain the flow of those words in those novels.

v Theoretical data
Reviewing JK. Rowling’s novel, there are some words analysis related to the story about Harry Potter series. In this analysis the writer uses some guideline words which related to the magic term behind the sory. First, there is a quoataion on page 85, Harry Potter and The Sorcerer’s Stone,
 “I remember every wand I've ever sold, Mr. Potter. Every single wand. It so happens that the phoenix whose tail feather is in your wand, gave another feather--just one other. It is very curious indeed that you should be destined for this wand when its brother--why, its brother gave you that scar...Curious indeed how these things happen. The wand chooses the wizard, remember....
This quotation occurs early in "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone," during Harry's first trip to Diagon Alley with Hagrid. Although Harry has only just learned of his magical abilities, he is almost immediately connected to Lord Voldemort through the twin phoenix feathers. Harry's existence as a wizard and his relationship to Voldemort are both deeply-rooted aspects of his character. At this point in the text, Harry is unaware of the extent of his connection with Voldemort, but Rowling highlights this relationship as early as possible in order to color Harry's behavior throughout the rest of the book. Mr. Ollivander's assertion that the "wand chooses the wizard" is also significant in terms of the theme of choice that Rowling expresses in the novel: Harry's wand chooses him in the same way that he can choose which direction his life as a wizard will go.
Another statement on page 53,
 Knew! Of course we knew! How could you not be, my dratted sister being what she was? Oh, she got a letter just like that and disappeared off to that--that school--and came home every vacation with her pockets full of frog spawn, turning teacups into rats. I was the only one who saw her for what she really was--a freak!
 This quotation occurs shortly after Hagrid has told Harry about being a wizard. Up until this point in the novel, Rowling has presented Vernon and Petunia Dursley as the worse kind of Muggles: close-minded, ignorant, and unappreciative of people who are different or special. With this passage, it becomes clear that Vernon and Petunia are not as oblivious as it would seem: not only are they both aware of the wizarding world, but Petunia is particularly resentful of the magical school that turned her sister, Lily, into a "freak." With that in mind, Vernon and Petunia's attempts to smother Harry's magical instincts (albeit with neglect and cruelty) can be seen as misguided attempts protect Harry from himself and to cure him of his natural inclination to be a "freak" like his mother. This quotation proves that Professor Dumbledore's decision to leave Harry with the Dursleys was a sound one. Even though the Dursleys know of the wizarding world, they are so against it that Harry is brought up with no knowledge of his true background and is able to spend his childhood without being haunted by Voldemort.
       Seeing those two analysis, we can conlcude that the writer focuses on using words “wand” and wizard”. In our opinion, we thin that the correlation both those words are closed. Almost all context, the writer use those words in the same time such like in the two statements above.
       While, on the other side. We think that the writer also uses a spesific word that represents the story in Harry Potter series, as we know that this novels represent story related to magic, then the use “spell” word also indicates in this story. Here, “spell” knocks objects over and stuns magical creatures. He learns this spell in his first ever Defense Against the Dark Arts class (DADA). This spell unlocks doors, even binded by magic (though it also depends on how powerful the wizard/witch is. If the magic is too strong for the user to handle, they cannot open the door) Hermione knows this spell from a book on spells.

v Data collection
Amount of Words
Broomstick (n)
Spell (n)
Wand (n)
Wizard (n)
Harry Potter I
Harry Potter II
Harry Potter III

v Method
In this analysis, we use the corpus application named concordance. We put those four words into the application as our object analysis. Those words are wand, wizard, spell and broomstick. As you can see in the table on data collection part, those four words are calculated by the application. We tend to know the frequency of each word.

v Discussion
The definition from Longman Dictionary
broomstick noun [ countable ]
1. the long handle of a broom
2. a broom that a witch is supposed to fly on in children's stories
The second meaning of “broomstick” relates with the actual context within the novel. The writer uses direct diction without any further analysis of the “broomstick” meaning.
spell noun [ countable ]
1. a piece of magic that someone does or the special words or ceremonies used in doing it :
▪ The witch cast a spell on (= did a piece of magic to change something about) the young prince.
▪ Only a kiss could break the spell (= stop the spell from working).
▪ The whole town seemed to be under a spell.

wand noun [ countable ]
1. a thin stick you hold in your hand to do magic tricks see also magic wand
2.  a tool that looks like a thin stick :
▪ a mascara wand
wizard noun [ countable ]
1. a man in stories who has magic powers see also witch
2. someone who is very good at something
▪ Gail is a wizard with numbers.
a computer/guitar/financial etc. wizard
▪ a 15-year-old computer wizard
The context:
The occurrence of the word “broomstick” decreased from the first novel to the second novel. In the first novel, Harry’s character deals with the Quidditch which is kind of game in Hogwart’s school. The game allows the students to fly with their broomsticks playing the ball. So, the Quidditch will be the one of the topic of the first novel and the repetition of the word “broomstick” is often found. In the second novel, the word “broomstick” is rarely used because the Quidditch does not become the important topic and it is only limited on the flying skill lesson. Then in the third novel, the occurrence is raising gain but not really often. The context is about the use of broomstick outside the school and the character is looking for Sirius Black. However, it is also supported by the Quidditch also but not become the main focus.
The occurrence of the word “spell” in the first novel becomes the focus because in the story, spell here firstly introduced and the students have to be mastered it. For the second and third novel, the students are beginning to be accustomed and rarely told about it. It happens because in second and third novel of Harry Potter, the students of Hogward can use the magic word for doing the magic. Besides, when in the first novel of Harry Potter, all the characters who becomes the students in Hogward should learn how to spell the magic word, because if they do not use the magic word, they cannot do anything for any lesson in the Hogward. Because of that, it makes the use of the word spell in Harry potter one become the most occur then others. In addition, in the second and third novel of Harry Potter, the use of the word “spell” is not often as in the first novel, because the students in Hogward already learn about the magic word, that is why in the first novel of Harry potter becomes the most accurs the word “spell” happens.
The occurrence of the word “wand” is rising among three novels. The use of wand here is rising because of the problems between Harry and Voldemort are getting more complicated. As we know in the magical world, the use of wand is crucial. The wizard cannot use their spells and curse without their wand. So, in order to fight the darkness, Harry and his friends use wand as a tool to fight it. Additionally, we can imagine that the more level of novel the more complicated also the problem on it. It happens because, the author wants to avoid the reader get bored. Because of that, the use of the word “wand” in the third Harry potter novel becomes the most occur the others. Here, we can know why the word “wand” occur to 114 times. In contrast in the first of Harry potter novel the word “wand” occurs 62 times and in the second of Harry Potter novel it occurs 107 times.
The occurrence of the word “wizard” is rising in the second novel because the story on the second novel is told about the history of Voldemort. In addition, Harry in this novel is shown about the historical background why Voldemort became the dark wizard. However, the second novel is told about the wizard (its surroundings). While in the first book the word “wizard” is occur 41 times, it is almost same with the frequency occurs in the second novel. Additionally, the frequency happens 41 times because in the first novel of harry potter tells about the Harry’s life. In the first novel of Harry potter, it tells about the story how Harry can join the Hogward. It takes a lot of courage for Harry to join in it, because his father oppose what Harry wants. Besides, in the third novel of Harry Potter, the occurance of the word “wizard” happens 39 times. Furthermore, the occurance of the word “wizard” in this novel become the low one. In addition, the third novel of Harry Potter tells about the relation between Harry Potter and his baptism father.

v  Conclusion
From our analysis, we can conclude that the use of the word “broomstick” occurs more in the first novel, the word “spell” also occurs more in the first novel, while the word “wand” is occur more in the third novel, then the word “wizard” occurs in the second novel. Those words grow appropiate to the Harry’ story in the first novel through the third one. If we understand the whole story in those three novels, we can see the expansion of “broomstick, spell, wand and wizard” words.

v  References
Discourse Studies, Jean E Fox Tree
Rowling, J.K. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stonne,
Rowling, J.K  Harry Potter and Chamber of Secrets,
Rowling, J.K  Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban


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Ririfrog said...

Hi, any chance that you could tell me what corpus you used?
I'd be really grateful for a quick email:

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