Ningsih, Fitria. 2014. Developing Scrapbook to Teach Writing Recount Texts for Eighth Grade Students. Thesis, English Department, Faculty of Letters, State University of Malang. Advisor: Dr. Arwijati Wahjudi Murdibjono, Dip. TESL, M.Pd.

Keywords: writing, recount text, scrapbook.

This research intends to create a learning medium to teach writing recount text to junior high school students. It is conducted based on results of a preliminary study on the difficulties encountered by jhs students in writing recount text. This study was conducted by using Research and Development (R&D) method. The research subjects were 35 students of class VIII-A of MTs Negeri Turen. The product development procedures consisted of eighth stages, (1) identifying the goal, (2) need analysis, (3) developing the product, (4) expert and teacher validation, (5) revision, (6) try-out, (7) revision, and (8) final product. The products were validated by experts, teachers, and also students by means of questionnaires and try-out. In this research, there were five aspects that were validated, the objective (goal), operation, content, design and organization, and pedagogy aspects. Research instruments were the validation questionnaire from the expert and teacher, and also the students’ try-out questionnaire. Then, they were revised based on the results of the product validation and the try-out. Based on experts’ validation and students’ try out, it is shown that the media of scrapbook were valid and very applicable for teaching writing. Based on the result of this research, it is suggested that the English teacher use Scrapbook as an enjoyable medium for teaching writing recount texts. Future researchers are expected to develop other kinds of media for writing with different topics, text types, and for different graders.


ShelyTCH said...
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Ina said...

Is this Qualitative?

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