EXAMPLE OF JOURNAL SUMMARY (Contoh Rangkuman Jurnal Ilmiah)

By Fitria Ningsih

TOPIC: Developing Wordless Picture Strips to Teach Narrative text for Integrated Reading and Writing Skills.

Arif, M., M. & Hashim, F., 2008. Reading from the Wordless: A Case Study on the Use of
Wordless Picture Books. Published in English Language Teaching Vol. 1, No. 1 June 2008.
This journal focuses on the exploration of the child’s responses to a selection of narrative wordless picture books. Based on this research, the reading of wordless picture book is an open-ended process in which viewers read stories by bringing their background experiences and personal histories to catch the meaning of the stories. Moreover, the subject of this study was a seven-year old male nonreader. The finding suggests that wordless picture books are a good source for analyzing a child’s early and emergent literacy, especially for teaching of reading.

Arizpe, E., 2013. Meaning-making from Wordless (or Nearly Wordless) Picturebooks: What
Educational Research and What Readers Have to Say. Published in Cambridge Journal of Education, 43 (2). ISSN 0305-764X.
            This journal discusses a conceptualization of existing studies in the field of education that use wordless picturebooks with young readers. The main aim of this study is to encourage a more interdisciplinary understanding of meaning-making and persuade educational researchers and mediators to consider investigative approaches that are not based on verbalization but are more in tune with the invitations that wordless picturebooks extend to young readers. The findings showed that wordless picturebooks allow readers have chances from the authority and weight of the words they must continually deal with both in school and elsewhere.

Merc, A., 2013. The Effect of Comic Strips on EFL Reading Comprehension. Published by
International Journal on New Trends in Education and Their Implications, January 2013 Volume: 4 Issue: 1Article: 05 ISSN 1309-6249, www.ijonte.org
This journal elaborates the effect of comic strips as media on reading comprehension of Turkish EFL learners which was applied to 167 students. After analyzed quantitatively, the findings showed that all students with a comic strip effect, regardless of proficiency and text level, performed better than the ones without the comic strips. The findings also stated that students are better at comprehending reading texts that are accompanied with visuals.

Megawati, F & Anugerahwati, M., 2012. Comic Strips: A Study on The Teaching of
Writing Narrative Texts to Indonesian EFL Students. Published in TEFLIN Journal, Volume 23, Number 2, July 2012.
This journal shows the study of implementing comic strips as media of writing narrative texts. The participants of this study were students of MAN Bangil. Besides, the researcher applied CAR method, included planning, implementing, observing, and reflecting. Then, the findings showed that teaching writing using comic strips through Process-Genre Based
Approach (PGBA) could successfully improve students’ ability in writing. The findings also reveal that comic strips’ effective implementation requires proper stories as well as sufficient teacher’s guidance during the writing process.

Nelson, C. D., 2011. Narratives of Classroom Life: Changing Conceptions of Knowledge.
Published in TESOL QUARTERLY Vol. 45, No. 3, September 2011.
This journal mostly discussed about the important of using narrative in the within language education.  According to the researcher, narrative can help to address the field’s changing needs by further democratizing knowledge production and exchange, illuminating subtle yet vital dimensions of classroom interactions, and prompting imaginative interpretations and revisionists. His argument draws together relevant strands of applied linguistics research; narrative theories and research from education, sociology, and the arts. He concluded that incorporate narratives of classroom life, in light of some important dilemmas and cautions.

Johnson, K. E. & Golombek, P. R., The Transformative Power of Narrative in Second
Language Teacher Education. Published in TESOL QUARTERLY Vol. 45, No. 3, September 2011.
This journal explains about the important of narrative among English teacher. It is said that narrative has largely functioned as a vehicle for teacher. Furthermore, this study also elaborates that narrative functions could be as a meditational tool—narrative as externalization, verbalization, and systematic examination—in fostering teacher professional development. It is also highlight various outlets, in both center and periphery contexts, where the products of teachers’ narrative activities are functioning as a tool for knowledge-building and professional development practices that are working in consort to transform the professional landscape that constitutes the field of SLTE.

Magic Paragraph

The aim of this study is to elaborate the way of developing Wordless Picture Strips as an instructional medium to teach narrative text to integrated reading and writing skills. At last, this study will explain the stages of developing the medium and trials applied to the tenth graders of SMA 1 N Turen, Malang. Besides, it also elaborates more detail about how to implement the medium and also the significances to both teacher and students.


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