The Effects of the
Difficulties of Grammar
By Fitria Ningsih
Grammar is simply the word for the rules that people follow when they
use a language.
When we learn grammar,
sometimes we find some difficult materials in term of tenses, adjectives
clauses, conditional sentences, and so on. Moreover, these difficulties of
grammar’s material give some effects for the learners.
First, because of the
difficulties of grammar, it forced the students to do some efforts. The efforts
such as, reading a lot of English books,
and doing some exercises. I have interviewed the English students in my class,
and they had different opinion about the effects of the difficulties of
grammar. Henifah Wahyuni said that because of the difficulties of grammar, it
forced her to study harder before grammar test. On the other hand, Gita Insani
also said that grammar was so difficult, so she should read a lot of English
books and did some grammar exercises. Halim Ahmad Faizin also added that not
only read a lot and did some exercises, but also everyone should have
willingness. It was clear that the difficulties of grammar influenced them, especially
in studying. By the effects that they got, it could be the way for them to
overcome the difficulties when they are studying.
Next, the difficult of
grammar not only influenced the effort that students should do to overcome it,
but also the score. The results of ten students that I got for interviewing
about their scores, we can see the diagram. Based on the data, 20 percents of
them said that although grammar was difficult, but they still got good scores. However,
40 percents of them said that grammar was difficult, it was normal if they got
bad scores. Besides, four of ten
students said that the effects for their scores it was not always good or bad.
When we compared the good and the bad scores, most students got bad scores. It was clear that the difficulties of grammar
still related with the mark that they got for the grammar test.
At the last, the
difficulties of grammar also have effect of other English language abilities.
It influenced writing, reading, speaking, and listening. According a blog
titled “Aozy English Grammar” which is written by Marie Rackham. She said that grammar course was a basic course in
learning English. She added that grammar was a valuable tool for creative
writing. Moreover, a poor grammar, it would make bad writing skill. She also
emphasized that we unconsciously used grammar all the time when we
used language for speaking, listening, reading and writing. If we want to
improve our English language abilities, there was no escape from addressing
grammar issues.
In conclusion, grammar is an important aspect at learning English that we
should understand. However, because grammar was not simple to learn, it had
some effects for the learners. In my opinion, although grammar is difficult,
but if we have an interesting in and want to try learn more, it will not as
difficult as people thought.
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